Here you will find the shipping cost table.
Small and light items can be shipped as merchandise mail (up to 1kg, no delivery to packing stations). Please note, however, that goods post sometimes takes a little longer to be delivered. The standard delivery time in Germany is 1 to 4 days, in the EU usually approx. 3-7 days.
Country | Parcel post | Goods post |
Belgium, Denmark, France, Luxembourg, Monaco, Netherlands, Poland, Czech Republic, Austria | 12,00€ | 6,90€ |
Italy, Sweden, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Hungary | 12,00€ | 6,90€ |
Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Portugal, Romania, United Kingdom | 13,00€ | 7,50€ |
Liechtenstein, Switzerland | 15,00€ | 7,90€ |
Norway | 19,00€ | 7,90€ |